Issue 24: Winter 2024 | Moira Johnston


In the bustling world of entrepreneurship money can often become a central drive, but for trailing businesswoman, Moira Johnston, her currency of success is measured in the number of lives she transforms. Living in the picturesque tranquillity of the countryside can be a dream for many. Yet, the reality behind the idyllic landscapes and serene plains can be extremely isolating. In the past few months, we’ve seen farmers amidst the fight to keep their businesses alive, land-owners making difficult decisions of selling their acreage and families worried about how they will pass on their farms to their children with the prospect of inheritance tax looming over them.

Amongst all of this, the vast distances and often sparse populations can leave many rural communities feeling disconnected and alone. Witnessing all of this first hand, Moira Johnston created a beacon of hope, one which offers solace and support to those who feel stranded in the rural community. After gaining a diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, Moira founded her own hypnotherapy clinic with an aim to change societal views on mental health in the rural sector and share an awareness about the importance of mental health in the countryside, and this season we share her awe-inspiring story!